שרשרת The SkyStep into the enchanting realm of The Sky Necklace, where a cosmic tale unfolds in exquisite detail. The handcrafted black enamel pendant mirrors the vast night sky, setting the stage for a mesmerizing interplay between darkness and light. At its heart, a brilliant white...
- 1,950 ILS
- 1,950 ILS
- Unit price
- per
טבעת Mosaic - דקהDiscover the magic of artistry and sophistication in every meticulous detail in the Mosaic Ring, where handcrafted enamel in a rich palette of shades meets lustrous gold. With both thick and thin variations, this ring becomes your canvas for self-expression, allowing you to paint your style...
- 2,400 ILS
- 2,400 ILS
- Unit price
- per
שרשרת מעוין ויהלום לבןDiscover the Rhombus Necklace, an exceptional work of art that skillfully melds traditional techniques with contemporary design. The rhombus-shaped pendant unfolds a captivating story of dimension and depth through a mesmerizing interplay of handcrafted enamel and gold. At its center, a sparkling diamond adds a touch of...
- 2,300 ILS
- 2,300 ILS
- Unit price
- per
שרשרת The OceanDive into the majesty of nature's elements with The Ocean Necklace. Meticulously handcrafted from lustrous gold and adorned with black enamel details, this exquisite piece holds a mesmerizing white diamond at its heart, artfully capturing both the profound depths of the sea and the...
- 1,750 ILS
- 1,750 ILS
- Unit price
- per
טבעת מעוין - אמאיל ירוק כההEach glance at the Rhombus Ring reveals its magic and uniqueness, a wearable work of art that combines contemporary design with a personal, authentic touch. At the heart of the ring, a radiant rhombus shape is adorned with dark green enamel, meticulously hand-painted in our studio....
- 1,900 ILS
- 1,900 ILS
- Unit price
- per
עגילי MosaicDiscover a vibrant celebration of color in the Mosaic Hoop Earrings. These exquisite hoops feature hand-painted enamel in a rich mosaic of shades, each hue capturing the essence of joy and beauty found in nature. Wear them to express your unique style and to carry a...
- From 1,800 ILS
- From 1,800 ILS
- Unit price
- per
עגילי משולש אמאילAdd an artisanal pop of color to your ensemble with the Enamel Triangle Earrings. Eachearring presents a beautiful blend of vibrant turquoise enamel handcrafted into the luxurious texture of gold, capturing the art of fine craftsmanship. Designed to make a statement, the Enamel Triangle Earrings boast...
- From 550 ILS
- From 550 ILS
- Unit price
- per
שרשרת מעויןDiscover the Rhombus Necklace, an exceptional work of art skillfully melds traditional techniques with contemporary design. The rhombus-shaped pendant unfolds a captivating story of dimension and depth through a mesmerizing interplay of handcrafted enamel and gold. Resulting in a wearable canvas that beautifully embodies...
- 1,750 ILS
- 1,750 ILS
- Unit price
- per
עגילי מעויןThe exquisite combination of elements in the Rhombus Earrings creates a stunning visual that embodies the fusion of traditional artistry and modern design. Each glance reveals their magic and uniqueness, wearable works of art that combine contemporary style with a personal, authentic touch.
- From 1,450 ILS
- From 1,450 ILS
- Unit price
- per
עגילי חישוק משולשיםEmbrace the artistry and innovation of The Triangles Hoop Earrings, a modern reinterpretation of a traditional style. The geometric enamel triangle pattern, painted with precision, offers a fresh twist on traditional hoops, achieving a perfect balance between classic and contemporary.
- From 1,600 ILS
- From 1,600 ILS
- Unit price
- per
צמיד The WindEmbrace the gentle caress of the Wind Bracelet, a delicate creation combining gold and enamel. The serene turquoise and white enamel is hand-painted in our studio, making each one a unique piece of art. Let the Wind Bracelet infuse you with a breeze of refinement, whispering...
- 1,850 ILS
- 1,850 ILS
- Unit price
- per
טבעת The WavesDive into the transformative essence of The Waves Ring, a captivating piece where rhythmic currents come to life in solid gold and handcrafted enamel. Inspired by the dynamic movement of water, this ring allows you to get carried away by nature's organic beauty, embracing...
- 2,100 ILS
- 2,100 ILS
- Unit price
- per
טבעת Mosaic - עבהDiscover the magic of artistry and sophistication in every meticulous detail in the Mosaic Ring, where handcrafted enamel in a rich palette of shades meets lustrous gold. With both thick and thin variations, this ring becomes your canvas for self-expression, allowing you to paint...
- 2,800 ILS
- 2,800 ILS
- Unit price
- per